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Alans' Story

I was reading this web site with great interest. I was diagnosed, about 7 years ago or more....with having Behcets Disease, or so they thought!... after seeing my doctor about cramps in my legs, litterally I was unable to walk, without great pain. I also have suffered with mouth ulcers, as long as I can remember, from being at school.

I'm now 35 by the way, and I suffered badly with acne, but not REAL acne as in what some people get, I have red lumps, pus filled spots, etc....the painful type (im sure you know what I mean), anyway, I saw a consultant at the hospital, and he said he THINKS I have Behcets, and admitted me. With no explanation of what it was, or anything, I was admitted to hospital with the bad legs, and my condition monitored. I weighed 7 stone, had no appetite, and felt really ill, and tired. I recovered dramaticaly within 2 weeks, and was allowed to go home. I put the triggering of the symptoms down to stress, like yourself.

Anyway, I went home, and the stress eventually returned, (as it does)...and I felt my legs becoming stiff again, returned to doctors, while I could still walk!...and he gave me antiinflamitory pills..and sent me away, but these didn't do me any good, so I just rested, slept, and generally took it easy for a few days, and it cleared up. I also used to suffer, and sometimes still do, with Tonsilitis, and mouth ulcers, but as one of your letters says, you learn to live with the pain...and you cope.....

The doctors dont really seem to know what the disease is, I agree with your comments in your story...., there are too many factors involved in the diagnosis, like you say, and it makes it difficult to find out if you really have the disease.

I have been reading your site, and have suffered most of the symptoms you list, apart from the eye problems, of which really worries me, I did have an eye test done at the time of the diagnosis, and I was all clear, but now, I seem to be getting a lot of headaches, sore eyes....etc....stiff neck.....and I have mouth ulcers, spots (continuessly really...), and always lethargic, tired...and feel convinced I have the disease, but the doctors NEVER confirmed this!...and about 4 years ago, my GP said it is unlikely I have it, so this leaves me feeling helpless,......and no wiser...

So I would just like to say thank you for creating a page for sufferers to access, and help them not feel like they are alone out there, like I did for years was a great relief when I saw my search engine find some advice on Behcets..I can tell you....

So yes, in my experience, plenty of sleep, rest, and as stress free a life as possible are my remedies...oh, and for my pain, I find Neurofen plus the best option....I just hope, I havent got this disease, just some similar symptoms, as the stories i read on your site are truly saddening.....and I can only feel for the sufferers, and wish them all the very best......they put my symptoms into perspective, and am suffering no where near as much, and hopefully will not in the future...

I hope you find this mail of some use, and you can feel free to publish any of it, as you wish. Thanks again Alex for taking the time to put YOUR health under the spotlight, and sharing it with others.

I wish you all the best of health !!!!!!!.........Alan kyle ( Hull, N.Yorkshire, England)
